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How to prepare for the implementation of ERP for project-based business?

Streamlining a business is no easy task. The bigger the size of the business, more complex will be the entire streamlining process. ERP for project-based business is considered for enhancing the business processes of organisations operating in the construction industry. Let’s explore the various factors that you need to think about while preparing for ERP implementation.

1.     A clear vision for the business
If you are planning ERP implementation because your competitor has done it then that’s great. However, merely imitating your competitor is not going to help your business. You need a clear business plan as well as a vision for reaping the benefits of ERP software.
Here are few tips to get you started:
·         Define your business goals and what you would like to achieve with ERP software.
·         Note down the benefits and costs involved in ERP implementation.
·         Make a list of all the goals you would like to achieve in the short term and in the long term.
It won’t be wise to sit down with your team and plan ERP-related goals after the implementation. Reputed ERP companies go ahead with the implementation only after researching the actual needs of the company and proposing a practical solution to meet the company’s requirements. You can refer to such proposals for assessing your ERP goals after the implementation.

2.     Communicate with your teams
You cannot simply take a decision to implement ERP one fine day and expect all your teams to immediately start using it. Doing so can negatively impact the morale of the people working with you. Generally, decisions related to ERP are taken by senior management leaders who want a digital transformation in the workplace.
To ensure a smooth transformation, all the relevant team heads have to discuss the gaps in the legacy systems. ERP should be able to solve the organisation’s current needs and should be scalable enough to meet future needs from a practical perspective. Also, not everyone in your organisation may welcome change as they may be comfortable with the legacy systems.
Make relevant changes in your infrastructure. Maintain the legacy systems which can be integrated with the ERP. Once the management figures out the best constructionmanagement software for the organisation, they can use the help of the internal communications team. The communications team can plan and implement consistent enterprise-wide communication to inform and educate the employees about the digital transformation.

3.     Build a new ERP team
To manage Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, you may need a team. Of course, your ERP service provider will give you a comprehensive solution with after-sales services as per your contract. However, in your organisation you need a go-to team for discussing ERP-related concerns.
Why this is so important? Based on the size of your business, your IT infrastructure has been managed by an IT Manager or a team of IT specialists. While preparing for ERP, you need to build a team where managers from technical as well as business backgrounds are assisting the decision-making for the organisation.
It need not be a big team but a blend of technology and business professionals so that you get the right technology for the desired results from your ERP implementation. Also, ERP implementation takes place in phases. You need representatives from your organisation who can clearly communicate the tweaks needed in the software with your ERP companyto achieve your business objectives.

4.     Plan a change management program
When your communication team sends out messages about a process transformation through ERP implementation, there can be reactions from employees. Some may feel threatened due to a knowledge gap in their skills and some may just be curious. Everyone will want to know more about the change. So, tell them and help them understand that ERP is going to make their workflow easier.
Your HR team can create a change management plan to introduce the change and highlight its benefits to employees across the organisation. Instead of being secretive, be transparent with your people. Train your department heads to support employees during the change.
Conduct user training in your offices for all the ERP users and give them hands-on training. All these initiatives will help your employees to feel confident about using ERP software and support you in fulfilling your business goals.

Need more advice on ERP for constructions and how to get ready for a successful ERP implementation?
Contact the experts who designed the flexible project-based ERP solution, OMNI ERP.


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