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Why you should conduct end-user training even if you have the best software for contractors? -

Progressive businesses implement the best software for contractors but are the users ready for the change in their infrastructure. The change can impact your business in many ways. To make the most of an ERP software, user training is essential.
Let’s discuss about the need for ERP and the importance of user training for ERP-powered businesses.
Changing the work culture with automation
An ERP implementation doesn’t take place in an organisation without a reason. The business leaders in a company identify the inefficiencies in their workflow which affects the organisation in many ways.
· The manual processes or semi-automated processes are unable to solve customer issues and business challenges on time.
· The talent of the human workforce is getting wasted with manual processes such as data entry that can be automated to a great extent.
· The workload is leading to increasing stress levels across the organisation.
· Conflicts arise when documents and approvals are not moving ahead in the process as required. Errors in documents are leading to more problems.
· The errors due to inefficiencies lead to allocation of additional cost and time for solving the problems.
To transform the chaotic work culture and processes, the decision-makers put an ERP in place. The ERP is supposed to solve and take care of most of the problems mentioned earlier.
But what happens when the users don’t know how to use the ERP to its maximum potential. The desired efficiency will not be achieved. It is as simple as giving a smartphone to someone who doesn’t know how to use it.
The struggle to utilise a new technology without adequate training leads to an unwelcoming response to accepting an advanced technology in the workplace.
The solution for optimised use of an ERP platform is to integrate not just the technology but also the people and the processes. This approach will ensure a smooth flow of information across teams and elimination of earlier processes in a systematic manner.
Introducing ERP to your teams
Implementation of an ERP is performed in phases. Based on the user feedback, the features are fine-tuned for the organisation. An ERP service provider gives an organisation all the ERP related documentation. But how many people are going to read every page of the document?
If you are giving ERP for project-based business to your teams, it is your responsibility to explain the features of the ERP to your team members. Here is what will happen if you do not provide user training:
· Your employees who are not tech-savvy will continue using the old processes.
· Forcing your teams to use the new processes will lead to change management issues such as the employee leaving the job or you might just turn your organisation into an unhappy workplace.
So, the bottom line is to improve your business performance by supporting your employees with the digital transformation. Give your employees an opportunity to understand the benefits of the changes you are bringing in to your business.
Why training becomes important?
Reputed ERP software companies such as OMNI ERP provide end-user training to their software users. The key aspects of an end-user training programme are:
· How to use the software for various actions?
· What are the benefits of the software?
· Solving the queries related to the usage of the software.
· Hands-on training to use the software at work.
To avoid any sudden surprises, the end-user training should be ideally offered to employees before the ERP goes live in the organisation.
Different types of user training
Some of the best practices for conducting ERP training in the organisation are given below:
· Blended Training
This type of training includes online training modules as well as offline sessions.
· Hands-on Training
Here, the users gethands-on experience to use the ERP software. Experts answer queries about the software in these sessions.
· Role-based Training
Not all software features are valuable to every team member. Therefore, role-based training is effective for specific teams who handle specific functions. For example, the Finance team receives training on features relevant to their day-to-day activities.
Benefits of user training
User certification gives your business the advantage of having high-skilled employees in using your ERP infrastructure. Here are some other benefits:
· Employees will accept the change more happily if they realise the benefit of growing in the organisation with better skills.
· Training helps users to deal with the fear of using technology. Your employees will become tech-savvy and will be more comfortable to adapt to change in processes.
· The integration of technology with people and processes will be easier. Users will gain awareness of how the new technology is going to reduce their workload with smarter processes.
OMNI ERP is a high-performance platform that is considered among the best ERP software for contractors. India’s reputed construction companies are already using the flexible modules and user training services offered with OMNI.
User training is provided by the makers of OMNI ERP along with certifications for ERP users.
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