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7 Reasons why you need ERP for constructions –

If you want to make it big in the construction industry, you cannot take a chance on inefficient processes. That’s the reason, ERP for constructions is designed to give you the edge with operational efficiency. There are several advantages of Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) platforms for construction businesses.
Here are 7 reasons why you ERP solution is beneficial for strengthening your construction business:
  1. Ensure Better Planning
Construction projects are time-bound and require planning. Traditional methods involved team meetings with discussions and exchange of numerous files with several versions of the same file. Estimations were manually done for planning the project. Nowadays, the quality of output is ensured with automated document handling through ERP for constructions.
Estimation, team collaboration, data management and other integrated project planning tools are available on a single ERP platform. Automated processes through ERP solutions expedite the planning process. Accurate plans eventually lead to the successful completion of construction projects.

  1. Optimise Monitoring
In a construction business, there are several projects running in parallel. Sometimes, milestones are completed early on certain sites and resources become idle. At the same time, there are sites where additional resources are required to complete the work. You can optimise the monitoring of resources with an ERP solution to ensure optimised usage of resources.
ERP platforms synchronise real-time data from various project sites. This feature of ERP enables project managers to easily identify the idle resources and send them to the nearest work site that requires those resources.

  1. Streamline Projects
A growing business will have multiple projects to be handled by various team members. There are several departments that support the execution of project plans in an organisation.
Departments such as Finance, Supply Chain, Payroll etc. have to support all projects in an adequate manner. Otherwise, while trying to support one project team, the other project team might lose time and may face the consequences of delays.
By having the best ERP for contractors with specialised modules, construction companies can streamline functions for all the projects. The data necessary for assisting a project is available within seconds on a single ERP platform. Also, authorised users can access the necessary data to provide approvals and clear payments on time.

  1. Accurate Forecasts
In the construction business, forecasting is extremely important. The ROI from construction projects reaches the investor only after successful completion of the projects. To ensure that the ROI is worth the investment put in the project, estimations are required. And to make sure that the actual costs are closer to the estimated costs, the project members need an intelligent system such as the OMNI ERP for construction.
With advanced analytics, the ERP platform forecasts the project requirements and gives real-time updates accurately. Tracking of finance, resources and time to achieve milestones help project managers to manage the resources effectively.

  1. Minimise Errors
There is a lot of data that gets managed in every construction project. This data can be useful to improve the existing strategies and for appropriate documentation of each construction project. ERP platform automates most of the functions so that errors due to manual data management can be avoided in the process.
Accounting errors through manual data entry can lead to incorrect financial reports. ERP automates the whole accounting process. Well-designed ERP features help to add the necessary taxes and other data points as per the accounting principles followed by the organisation.

  1. Mitigate Risks
Prudent businesses study the risks involved in their line of business and take the necessary steps to mitigate them. In the construction industry, risks can come in the form of economic crisis, financial issues, natural calamities, regulatory issues, etc. ERP solution can help you manage some of these risks with a smart process that alerts the relevant ERP users at the right time.
For example, for a project task to be successful, you may need clearances. ERP can be customised to create alerts for tasks that require specific clearances to prevent compliance issues.

  1. Take Better Decisions
Utilise the cutting-edge features of a centralised ERP system to make data-driven decisions. Cloud-based construction management software can be accessed by project managers on the move. The project data is securely stored in a cloud storage system. The entire history of the project with the current status and forecasts can help project managers to monitor the project and take timely decisions.
Empower your organisation with a robust ERP platform such as OMNI Construction ERP, one of the best construction management software available in the market. To know more, visit _______


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