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7 Reasons why ERP for constructions makes sense

You may have already heard about ERPfor constructions but have you been wondering whether your company is ready for ERP or not? To begin with, ERP is known for improving the efficiency of processes in organisations.
Let’s dive deeper to understand why and when a business needs ERP.
·        Lack of Performance
If your business hasn’t been doing well lately, it is time for you to take a look at your inefficient processes. Is it a specific department that is causing delay in services or is the co-ordination between your teams not in place? Find out all the areas that are struggling because of your outdated systems.After creating a complete report on the faults in your system, think about the solutions.

Maybe an ERP can solve the problem. But again, what kind of an ERP - a standard ERP or a customised ERP? Also, some ERP systems are specially designed for specific industries. If you are in construction, you need the best construction management software to solve the business problems. If you want to improve customer services, a CRM-based ERP platform would be ideal.

·        Expansion of business
You may be growing too fast. That’s good but are you able to keep up with your growth. Your existing systems aren’t able to address the customer queries or manage your projects. Your current infrastructure has the capability to manage only a few projects. The problems on construction sites were manageable earlier but with increased opportunities, the problems have also increased. You may be needing a construction-based ERP that’s flexible and scalable to help you keep up with your growth.

Everything is automated these days. So, if you are managing less than five projects at a time, you may be able to manage using a couple of software solutions. Free software have limited capabilities which may help you to an extent. But as a growing business, you will have many stakeholders to take care of. For construction projects, you may be getting quotations from multiple vendors for contract or sub-contract work.

There will be a series of documentation that should be tracked to ensure that you are getting raw materials at the best rate and hiring experienced companies to execute your projects. If you feel you may not be able to manage all of them with your existing infrastructure, you should start thinking about ERP implementation. ERP will allow you to grow smoothly while you can focus on getting more construction projects instead of solving process issues.

·         Mergers and Acquisitions
If your company has recently merged with another company, then there will definitely be a point were conflicts take place due to difference in the work flow. In this case, you may need to invest in an ERP. After the M&A deal, you may be looking at managing projects not only in your geographic boundaries but also the regions covered by the new company. Here, if both the companies are running semi-automated processes then there can be a lot of confusion as well.

A robust ERP solution may be required to automate processes and minimise chaos in data management. Every piece of data can be acquired from a centralised data portal from anytime, anywhere. Cloud-based ERP solutions make it more convenient for managing your finances, projects, contracts, HR and other departments on the move.

·        Data Security
As your business grows, your data grows too. Crucial company data needs to be safeguarded so that it doesn’t get misused. ERP solutions come with security layers that protect your data. Your finance team members or department managers do not need to download and save data on their physical computers. Any intrusion on their physical computers won’t become a security threat if your actual business data is on a secure cloud.

ERP platforms also secure your data by taking timely backups so that your business doesn’t get affected if there is a technical issue. Also, you can define the role of all the personnel using the ERP platform so that data access to specific sections is restricted for certain users. To ensure secure processes, you can invest in an ERP.

Think about where you are in your growth cycle to determine the need for ERP for construction.Mumbai-based businesses are utilising a flexible ERP such as OMNI ERP to solve their business problems. To learn more about OMNI ERP, contact _____


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