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5 things to know while implementing an ERP for project-based business

If you are a project-based company, you need to carefully plan your ERP before thinking about implementing it right away. Do not rush the ERP implementation process. Instead, work along with the ERP provider in a collaborative process.
Here are 5 things you need to understand for implementing an ERP for project-based business:
  1. 1. Be patient
ERP platforms are not like your regular piece of software. Standard ERP may or may not fit your needs but specialised ERP for project-based business are designed to match your business requirements. Flexible ERP solutions can be customised as per your needs. Time is needed by your internal team as well as the ERP provider to understand your current project flows. A hasty implementation process can affect your ongoing projects.

  1. 2. Define your accurate needs
Discuss your requirement with a reputed ERP provider. Let them study your processes and come back with a plan to implement the ERP. For a good meal, you need enough time for the food to cook and you need to know what kind of food is to be prepared. Similarly, an ERP provider has all the ingredients but needs to know the exact problem areas that you are trying to solve with the ERP.

All the changes that you need in an ERP should be communicated effectively at the planning stage. Any change in the plan during the implementation process or after implementation can become inconvenient and costly.
  1. 3. Make it a team effort
You cannot expect an ERP company to solve your business problem without working as a team with them. While the ERP firm understands the technology, you know your business well. So, you will have to sit down and discuss your requirements if you want an effective ERP planning and implementation process.

Also, ERP plans are implemented in phases. So, you need to prepare your teams for the testing phase and the implementation phase. Your ERP provider will equip your team with all the necessary documentation and training to successfully implement the ERP across your offices.

  1. 4. Upgrades and feature selections for ERP
Implementation of ERP involves investing time, money and effort. But it is worth it in the long run. Cloud-based ERP solutions are available today to help you to manage your projects using a number of devices. Earlier, you used toinvest on technology where expensive hardware and software upgrades were needed from time to time. With cloud computing, you get a scalable and flexible ERP platform.

ERP solutions such as OMNI ERP offer cloud based project management software that comes with a number of modules such as Finance, HR, Payroll, Vendor Management, CRM, SCM and more. When you hear about so many modules, do not ask your ERP provider to install every module. Discuss with them the modules that will complement your work flow for optimum use of ERP.

Your goal should not be to completelychange your workflow because of the availability of so many modules. Pick the modules that meet your needs and customise them to address your business problems. Give your employees a platform that is designed to meet their needs.
  1. 5. Be competitive in a smart way
ERP implementation is necessary for some businesses to stay ahead of the competition. Learn about how your competitor is getting better with their project work and reaping benefits for being tech-savvy. Do not imitate and implement the exact same thing. No two businesses are same. Your strengths and work culture may be different from your competitor’s so make sure to look for ERP solutions that solve your specific business problems.

For example, let’s look at a specific need for implementing ERP for project-based businesses. Mumbai has several project-based companies that have projects within the country. Some of the companies have global projects too. If Company A with one headquarter and 2 project offices in India tries to imitate the implementation model of a company that has several offices and project sites across the world, it would be over-expensive for Company A. But if Company A implements an ERP system that is scalable to support its expected growth plans for the coming years then that would be a more cost-effective implementation.
Roll out successful projects by using a robust cloud-based project management software such as OMNI ERP for project-based businesses. To discuss your ERP needs, call ________ 


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