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ERP For Project Based Businesses -

Feel empowered with an integrated ERP for contractors

Contractors fulfil the greater responsibility of building the infrastructure and fulfilling the various demands of retail, commercial and industrial sectors. Be it general contractors or the ones dealing with mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other contract-based work, an ERP for contractors will lead to better co-ordination and increased transparency among the various stakeholders of a project.
Some of the areas that can get streamlined if contractors utilise an ERP solution are as follows:
  • Contracts
Depending on the scope of a project, the contractor hires sub-contractors, project management consultants and other stakeholders. Manage the quotes, invoices, purchase bills, retention data and other important project details through a single dashboard. Contractors can also control the data accessed by each stakeholder to prevent data access by unauthenticated users.
  • Approvals, task lists and project updates
Create and tick off tasks. Check requests that need intervention. Learn about the work that has already been accomplished by viewing job reports. Review BOQ Work Measurements and project progress through a user-friendly dashboard. An ERP solution such as OMNI uses the latest Microsoft .Net technology and SQL server to build a scalable and reliable portal.
  • Material and machinery
Missing machinery or shortage of raw materials on site can cause project delays. ERP for contractors helps contractors to come up with project estimations for ordering the right quantity of materials for the scheduled tasks. To prevent material wastage, materials can be issued as per requirement in the system. Also, logging information about the movement of machinery with the name of the role accountable for the machinery can expedite material-related problem resolution in a transparent manner.
Monitor stocks or move them from one site to another without worrying about multiple entries or emails to keep everyone aligned in a project. A well-designed ERP user interface gives clarity and updates about each and every movement in the inventory. The


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